Monday, January 30, 2012

Be Your Own Hero - Ginger and Her Puppies

This story is from Hillary Merritt Brown, a Barrio Dogs volunteer:

 Hi there Watchdogs! Just wanted to share with you that we are not just talking the talk but we are actually walking the walk at Barrio Dogs with our Be Your Own Hero campaign! On Saturday afternoon, after our adoption event, I went home and saw my neighbor outside and decided I was finally going to go over and meet him. You see, my neighbor has 3 adult dogs in his backyard on chains. I had previously had the Humane Society come out to check out the situation and they found him mostly in compliance with the law. The dogs each have shelters, albeit not the best and they had fresh water and are fed daily. At that time one of the two females had given birth recently and the puppies were also in the backyard. Another female was still pregnant. The officer who investigated advised my neighbor that he needed to place the puppies soon as he was not in compliance with the maximum number of dogs (which is 3) within city limits.

I was never really satisfied with the outcome of this visit as the dogs are still living on chains and the other female, who we call Ginger, had since given birth and the puppies were not really getting what they needed and were being harassed by one of the older puppies. So I finally gathered my courage and went over to offer my help under the guise of just being friendly. It turns out my neighbor is a very nice person who just needs a little education and help. He was overwhelmed by the dogs and offered me all 3 puppies immediately. I took them of course, even though I needed puppies like I need a hole in the head! I have a full time job, a family and pets of my own. But it was the right thing to do so ANYWAY, they are 4 weeks old right now and not yet ready for new homes so I asked him if we could also have Ginger at least temporarily to care for the babies for another month or so. And he agreed!

So now Ginger and her puppies are living in our guest room. I think it's the first time Ginger has ever been indoors and honestly, she been very freaked out. But hour by hour she has been warming up to us and she has been very willing to let us handle the babies. All 4 of them will be vetted this evening. My hope is that we will obtain permission to eventually spay Ginger and that we may even be allowed to find her a permanent home as well. Then we will work on neutering his other dogs and getting them off the chains. It's possibly a little over optimistic of me but we're giving it our best shot! I was nervous about how it would go when I went to talk to him and it went beautifully. Just goes to show that honey goes further than vinegar most of the time.

I hope you can all find it in you to do the same if you see someome who might benefit from a little help. Be Your Own Hero! I'll keep you updated on the family progress. Much love, Hillary!

If you would like to donate to help these dogs or any others, you can do so here.

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